The updated ECMA Market Flash is now available

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The updated ECMA Market Flash is now available

ECMA has published an update version of its quarterly market flash. As announced at the Annual Congress in Juan-les-Pins in September ECMA is pleased to launch this updated report, which is full of more useful information to help our members plan their businesses.

The ECMA Quarterly Market Flash is available to participants only and is being produced by ECMA in cooperation with NOA. It covers the state of the business in the current quarter and the outlook for the next quarter.

  • Participation between 70 and 80 companies
  • Companies from all across Europe
  • Available to both direct and indirect members
  • Recently updated (Q3 2016) with additional information, including:
    -  European Composite Index
    -  Country Composite Forecasts
    -  Business Confidence PMI
    -  Carton Output Forecasts
    - Case Studies, and 
    - Industrial Market Data

The new lay-out and more comprehensive content of the ECMA Market Flash will be evaluated after every quarterly edition, based on the feedback we receive from the ECMA Market Flash participants. Please share your feedback with us to help us to continuously improve the report and its relevance to our members.

In case you have any further questions or need more detailed information, you can contact Neil Osment at NOA or Rogier Krabbendam at ECMA. 


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