Foildex™ Combination Machine on a KBA Rapida 105 Press

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Diversified Graphic Machinery's latest Foildex™ installation is on a KBA Rapida 105 press.

Diversified Graphic Machinery's latest Foildex™ installation is on a KBA Rapida 105 press. DGM has installed two towers that can run both Cold Foil and Cast and Cure™, and can even run the two techniques simultaneously. The machines are capable of Cold Foil Indexing, a process which can save up to 82% of the cold foil used for certain jobs. The new LED UV method of Cast and Cure™ allows a roll of film to last even longer than it previously had.

Watch the video to see these environmentally and economically friendly processes running on a KBA Rapida 105 press. Respond to this email for a free Foildex™ brochure. Visit to learn more about the Cold Foil and Cast and Cure™ processes.


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