EU Commission taking action on FCMs

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NGO CHEM Trust outlines European Commission's ongoing and upcoming activities to improve regulation of food contact materials

NGO CHEM Trust outlines European Commission's ongoing and upcoming activities to improve regulation of food contact materials.

In an article published on April 25, 2017 by the UK-based non-profit organization CHEM Trust, Charlotte Coquard provides a summary of the latest developments regarding the regulation of chemicals in food contact materials (FCMs) in the EU. Two recent EU publications are highlighted by Coquard: The European Parliament’s (EP) report on the implementation of the FCM framework regulation (EC) No 1935/2004 (FPF reported; FPF background article) and the European Commission (EC) Joint Research Centre’s (JRC) baseline study on non-harmonized FCMs (FPF reported). Both publications find shortcomings in the current EU regulatory system for FCMs and show the need for harmonized regulation of all types of FCMs.


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