ECMA Congress 2018

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ECMA Proudly Presents This Year's ECMA Congress Theme and Programme | 20 and 21 September 2018 in Riga, Latvia

ECMA proudly presents the congress theme and working programme for this year’s ECMA Congress:

‘Thinking Beyond the Board, Performance in a Changing Market'

The congress working programme will focus on two important issues:

ECMA Congress 2018

1) Sustainability, and how we could benefit as an industry, offering one of the most sustainable packaging solutions, from the current discussion on the recyclability of packaging materials, the demand for renewable sources and materials, and the problems caused by littering, the pollution of the environment and related health issues for both humans and animals by plastics, and

2) Technology, and how the impact of the digital transformation will influence the future of our industry and the leadership skills which will be needed to manage this change.

You can download the programme on the ECMA Congress landing page on this website.

At the special ECMA Congress landing page on our website you can also directly register online for the congress and book your hotel room.

We are looking forward to welcome the leaders of our industry in Riga!

Hotel   Meeting room  Rooftop bar
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