25 January 2016

Pro Carton / ECMA Carton Awards 2016 - call for entries

The annual Pro Carton / ECMA Awards for outstanding carton packaging on the market will soon be open again. Please don’t miss out on the opportunity to show what your company is capable of and participate in one of Europe’s most prestigious packaging awards!


Further information will follow, but please already check your portfolio which carton products could be possible award winners. There are various categories to enter:

  • Beverages
  • Confectionery
  • Beauty & Cosmetics
  • Food
  • Non-food
  • Health Care & Pharmaceuticals
  • Volume Markets

The Award will be open for entries very soon and the deadline for sending your entry is 19 May 2016. All partners of the Supply Chain are invited to take part:

  • Cartonboard manufacturers
  • Carton manufacturers
  • Designers
  • Brand product manufacturers
  • Retailers


Please note that entries may be submitted by anyone but all entries must have been printed and converted by an ECMA or Pro Carton member!


The winners will be announced and celebrated at the Award Gala on 15 September 2016 at the ECMA Congress in Juan-les-Pins/Antibes, France.


We very much look forward to receiving your entries!