News Archive

You are invited: The 2020 Carton E-vent & Awards
ECMA and Pro Carton are delighted to invite you to The 2020 Carton E-vent & Awards on 7 October 2020 – the postponement of the ECMA 2020 Congress, called for an exceptional virtual event to be organised to celebrate the achievements of the carton industry during a challenging year and recognise the winners of the following awards:
Carton production has grown by more than 9 percent since 2015
The sector adjusts to new consumer trends, which place great importance on personalization and sustainability.
Duran Doğan Packaging received Silver Award for Environmental & Social Innovation category of EBRD’s 2020 Sustainability Awards
Duran Dogan Packaging, a Turkish manufacturer of premium packaging, wins the Silver Award in EBRD Sustainability Awards 2020’s Environmental & Social Innovation category for its innovative system "Gloss & Green" which produces fully recyclable cartonboard (and plastic products) that minimise waste and contribute to the circular economy.
Paper-based packaging championed by consumers for its environmental attributes
Results of a new European survey reveal that paper-based packaging is favoured for being better for the environment, as consumers become increasingly conscious of their packaging choices.
Valco Melton’s Sealtak® for e-Commerce Packaging - Introducing the smart alternative to double-sided tapes
The irruption of the COVID-19 across the world has altered purchasing habits and amplified an already growing trend: e-commerce. In line with the mobility restrictions that our societies are enduring, online commerce remains as a solid ally for companies nowadays.
ECMA call to end tender moratorium
On the 20 March, ECMA issued a Press Release requesting the suspension of all tender activity whilst our industry focussed on business continuity, during the unprecedented challenges presented by the Covid-19 crisis;
Duran Dogan Packaging produced and donated 120.000 cartonboard face shields
European Carton Excellence Award: new entry date and digital entry
The carton and cartonboard industry continues to admirably meet the challenges thrown up by COVID-19 and thanks to everyone in these trying times. The industry has demonstrated its strength, resilience, innovation and determination to rise above adversity.