ECMA Sales Toolkit

ECMA supports healthy business conditions for our industry by providing various Support ToolsCurrently, the following support tools are available. 

European Carton Prospects Report:

ECMA Code of Folding Carton Design Style

The ECMA Code of Folding Carton Design Styles provides the carton making industry with convenient and up-to-date common standards that will facilitate clear communication at all levels of design and manufacture. Printable versions, in 6 languages, can be downloaded below.

ECMA Folding Carton Dictionary: 
The ECMA Folding Carton Dictionary offers you a tool to translate typical industry terminology into no less than six different languages. The dictionary was published in 2009 but is still considered to be very useful.    

Paper Packaging - The Natural Choice:
To help customers and other stakeholders understand the sustainability benefits of fibre packaging, this booklet sets out 7 powerful reasons why paper packaging is the natural choice for brands, retailers and consumers.

The 2021 version of the booklet Paper Packaging - The Natural Choice is available in 3 languages:

ECMA Terms and Conditions of Sale:

Please also download the ECMA Terms and Conditions of Sale User's Guide 
In this document, ECMA offers guidelines on how to properly use the ECMA Terms and Conditions of Sale. 

The ECMA Terms and Conditions of Sale have been updated. The latest version was presented at the ECMA Business Seminar on 13 November 2014 in Brussels and was published on 12 June 2015.