ECMA Pharma Forum

Quality experts from 16 members of ECMA's Pharma Forum are currently creating 'Pharma Best Practice Guidelines for Secondary Packaging' – members meet monthly in 4 workstreams. The guidelines are due to be completed end of Q1-2022 and will incorporate the latest technology and production processes in Pharma secondary packaging manufacture.

MLPS - Medical Leaflets = Patient Safety
The MLPS advocates for patient safety to ensure paper information leaflets are available to all – they are the only failsafe method to ensure patients always have information available concerning drugs and medical devices.

MLPS works under the umbrella of ECMA and has the following members who are contributing to the effort – Westrock, Essentra Packaging, AR Packaging (Graphic Packaging International), Edelmann, Mayr Melnhof, Esonpac, Faller Packaging, LGR, Rattpack, Palladio, Intergrafipak, Jaakkoo-Taara Oy and Medica Packaging. 

Read more: MLPS (Medical Leaflets = Patient Safety)