European Carton Excellence Award 2024

Renewable, recyclable and biodegradable, cartonboard is a perfect example of the circular economy in practice, and one of the best mediators of brand value for both luxury and everyday products. True leadership in circularity.

The European Carton Excellence Award 2024 Public Vote is now open!

You can cast up to three votes per person. All votes must be verified via email for them to count. 
The Public Vote is open until midnight on Friday 23rd August 2024.

Categories in the European Excellence Awards are:

  • General Packaging – Virgin Fibre
  • General Packaging – Recycled Fibre
  • Food & Drink Packaging – Virgin Fibre
  • Food & Drink Packaging – Recycled Fibre

The Pro Carton and ECMA team look forward to announcing the winner of the Public Award 2024 at this year’s Awards Gala in Berlin, Germany on 19th September 2024.

A prestigious panel of packaging experts representing different industry stakeholders choose each category winner by assessing each entry against rigorous criteria including graphic and structural design, production techniques, cost-efficiency, ecology, innovation and convenience.

Click HERE to see the award-winning entries of 2023 that were announced at the annual Awards Gala in Seville on 21st September 2023!
The winners will be announced during the Award Dinner of the ECMA Congress in Berlin on 19 September 2024.


                     2023  |   2022  | 2021
2020   |  2019   |  2018   |  2017   |  2016   |  2015  |  2014  |  2013
2012   | 2011   | 2010   | 2009   | 2008   | 2007   | 2006   | 2005 
2004  | 2003  | 2002  | 2001  | 2000  | 1999  | 1998  | 1997